November: Viet Local Community

A lamp to my feet is your word,

A light to my path. (Ps.119-105)


  • Generalities concerning the Community :


  1. History of the Community :


The Community “Word of God” was originally the Order “Word of God” in the Diocese of Vinh, founded by Fr. Martin Nguyên Xuân Hoang in 2001 and the Constitutions were approved by Msgr. Paul Marie Cao Dinh Thuyên, Bishop of the Diocese of Vinh in 2009.

The Community had many financial difficulties and grew very slowly. And when Msgr Paul Nguyên Thai Hop became Bishop of Vinh, he suggested that Fr. Martin look for an Order that was compatible in order to develop more easily in the Diocese. A year later, the Order “Word of God” and the Society of the M.S.A. met to understand and become legally affiliated.

On the 02-04-2013, Fr. Isaac, Animator General and Fr. Edward came to VN and worked with Fr. Martin and the members of the community.

On the 13-07-2014, Fr. Christian and Fr. Edward, sent by Fr. Isaac, Animator General, came to VN and preached a retreat to the Members of the Community and on this occasion attended the ceremony of the first promises of 4 members of the M.S.A. presided by the Bishop of Vinh and in the presence of numerous priests, religious and parishioners.

It was a special day of grace for these Brothers as well as for the entire Community.

Since then, the Community has begun a page filled with growth and hope in the development of the Community.

On the 15-08-2014, five Brothers who are studying at the Seminary of the Holy Apostles (United States) pronounced their first promises with the M.S.A. This was also a day of grace for the these Brothers and for the Community.

On 15-01-2017: 4 Brothers made their first promises of fidelity in Peru. Thanks to the guidance, formation and help of Fr. Isaac, the members of the Council, the MSA Formation Team, the Community is integrated, spiritually developed and its Mission in the MSA Society.

Last year we witnessed the ordination of 4 new priests and this year with the grace of God we will have a new ordination.  And to the first promise of fidelity of 5 brothers.


2- The members


Currently, the Community has 42 members:

– 4 Definitive priests members

– 13 Temporary members.

– 3 Probanists in Peru.

– 22 applicants:


Though they are not many, there is a lot of hope. The future is promising for the Community and for the Missions.

There will be more vocations in the future for the Community. There are many vocations among the youth in the Church of Vietnam. They want to follow Jesus in religious Communities and the Major Seminary.

The Community will organize vocational recruitment next summer.


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  1. Work and missionary activities :


Presently, since all the members of the Community are in formation and studying, in their free time, some help out in the administration, others give a hand with the youth of other communities in their studies and prayer life to help them discover little by little their own vocation in the Church and the society in which they live.

On the same level, others help out the pastors in teaching catechism and spiritual guidance in different parish associations.

During the summer, the Community sends the Brothers who are studying philosophy to parishes of the Diocese of Vinh to practice a pastoral approach.


  1. Objectives :

The Community « Word of God” belongs to the M.S.A. for the past seis years and is well integrated into its Charism and Mission locally and internationally.

Almost all its members are in formation, but the Community sees that the members participate in the missionary activities of the Parish in order to realize a spirit of unity and service in the local Church.




Fraternal life of the Community :

The members are open, fraternal, respectful, and love one another as members of a same family. Each one wants to build fraternal relationships and a sense of responsibilities. Joy and mutual respect are dominant aspects in the Community.

Those who are studying abroad and those who are at home stay in touch with one another : encourage one another and remain “on line”. They call one another and share news of the Community in Vietnam. They are immediately aware of the health, life and formation of those who are in formation.


Life in parishes :

The Community is on good terms with the parishioners even though it has not, as of yet, been able to organize a group of parishioners who could help the Community in its pastoral activities.

In the near future, the Community will found an Association of M.S.A. parishioners with the spirit of its Founder, Father Menard, to develop M.S.A. vocations and missions in Vietnam and other countries.


Communication in social networks

The Community has a website but it needs to grow. So far, we are not able to proclaim the Gospel nor give educational news to God’s people.

The website of the Community only gives brief news, a few events, some photos, a few traits of the M.S.A. Community.

The Community is trying to develop shortly the Mission through television broadcasting and telecommunication.


  1. Situation of the Community :
  2. Strong points :

The Community “Word of God” is a young community, full of life and talent. Because of this, there are a lot of young vocations, good will, people who love to study and willing to proclaim the Gospel and serve the Community, the Church and Society.

  1. Weak points :

Since it is a new community, it lacks experience, it cannot take on pastoral activities in the parish nor in the Diocese. It is not ready enough to manage or direct a local Community. The material resources of the Community are very rudimentary and poor.


  1. Finances :

Since its insertion, the Community depends financially on the help from the Animator General and members of his Council to form the members of the Community, to buy material in order to repair the house of the Community.

Our Community has no money for the development and formation of its members.

If the Animator General and his Council do not help the Community financially each year, our projects and activities will perish and have no future.

But, with confidence and hope in the future, the Community sees many of its members, as they finish their studies and are ordained to the priesthood, they will be able to help the Community and the Church in the future.

The members of the Community “Word of God” are working ceaselessly to grow in order to lighten in the near future the “financial burden” of the Animator General and his Council as well as the great M.S.A. family.


  1. Financial situation :

The Community “Word of God” has 4 Houses :

  • Yen Dai (Mother House)
  • Tân Lôc.
  • Cua Lò
  • Ha Ma.

The installations are still rudimentary, without comfort but the space is sufficient, stable and healthy to insure life, activities and the formation of its members.

I ask the Animator General and all the Priests to continue to pray and help our Community “Word of God”.

Finally, I wish to thank deeply Fr. Isaac, the Animator General, Fr. Christian, Fr. Roma, Fr. Jean Braconin, Fr. Edward, all the Priests and all the members of the M.S.A.

May the Lord bless Fr. General Animator Luis Luna Barrera, MSA and his council. All priests and members of the M.S.A. family


United in the Lord Jesus,

Let us give thanks to God, his Love extends from age to age. (Ps.136,3).

United in the Lord Jesus.
