Diaconal ordination of Brother Sebastien Merveil Kadiata Ilunga, msa.


Debut de la celebration
Les africains et Sebastien
Premiere pontificat à Saint Gilbert
Sebastien et David postration complete
Sebastien et Mgr Alain Faubert
Sebastien et Père Jean Braconin
Sebastien et Père Jean
Stien et Mgr Alain Faubert
Tous (1)
Tous (2)

Priestly Ordination of Deacon Daniel Valente and Ho Huu Hieu MSA

All the photos and videos of the priestly ordination of Father Daniel Valente MSA and Father Ho Huu Hieu MSA

Sacerdotes en la ordenación del Padre Daniel Valente
reciendo la caliz en la ordenación
Postration of father Daniel, letanie
Imposting of handles
Imposting of handles Hoo
Father Ho Hiuu Hoo with Religious
Father Daniel
Father Daniel, Ho and the bishop
Father Daniel with the bishop
Father Daniel with Anna Lewandowski
Father Daniel Valente
Father Daniel valente, Ho Hioo and the Bishop
Diacono detrás esperando ordenarse
Caliz and chasuble
Daniel Valente es Sacerdote 2
Daniel valente bendice a su obispo
Daniel with bishop
Diacon Daniel and Ho Hioo in front of the Bishop

Video without sound of the Mass Priestly ordination of Deacon Daniel Valente and Ho Huu Hieu MSA

Thanksgiving Mass – Father Daniel Valente MSA

Thanksgiving Mass of Father Ho Huu Hieu MSA