Missionaries of the Holy Apostles – DELEGATION OF PERU


First, I send my greetings to all the MSA brothers on behalf of the Delegation of Peru-Brazil. We have come to present to you a Delegation, which has expectations and challenges related to our time, marked by a vertiginous development of the technical and technological sciences. This becomes more attractive to humanity, to the point of diverting the attention of many Catholics from the presence of Christ, including even pastors who do not escape this painful situation.


This is the panorama in which, it is up to us as Missionaries of the Holy Apostles to evangelize, the Church in Latin America, and in a concrete way in Peru, which suffers from a decrease in religious and priestly vocations to which we are not strangers and whose causes are multiple among others: economic development, the outdated methodology of evangelization, the lack of dialogue on the part of the Church, etc.


As a Delegation, in Peru-Brazil, we are living a generational change in which the young priests assume the leadership and animation of the works, with the help and guidance of our elder brothers; we work to strengthen fraternal life and the apostolate as a team, to transform local communities into formative communities which, with the witness of consecrated life, are promoters of priestly vocations.


At present, we are going through a period of reorganization in the Delegation, at the administrative and financial level, we are looking for strategies and means so that our apostolic works are self-sufficient, and especially to raise the usefulness of our profitable works, so that in the future, our Delegation has economic stability and in this way can finance our apostolates, formation, vocational promotion and give a quality of life to our members. May the Holy Spirit continue to enlighten us. That we may interpret and discern the signs of the times and update our mission and charism.


Finally, I think it is appropriate to share with you that the Delegation of Peru-Brazil, under the influence of the Spirit, in June 2017, signed an agreement in which we are entrusted with the administration of two parishes in the province of Huánuco and the province of San Martin; we are thus taking an important step in our history for 57 years in the city of Lima. We have accepted this invitation from the Diocese of Huánuco and we place ourselves at the service of the Church with our charism and mission.


May Father Menard, apostles of vocations, who began the work of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles in Peru, intercede for us.


  1. Neyer Mallqui Villanueva, MSA

Animator of the Peruvian Delegation






  • The Delegation of Peru-Brazil is still in a process of consolidation and strengthening of its fundamental structures; a process that will be achieved if and only if we live faithfully our charism, spirituality and mission that Father Menard has left us.

  • By projecting ourselves into the future as a Province, implies that we are self-sufficient: financially, as members and as works. A reality that we instill in all members so that we can have stability and vision in our objectives, which allow us to transmit security and well-being to our brothers and sisters.

  • Technological development and economic growth in Latin America commit us to a permanent updating and renewal of our charism and mission in the Church, so that God's call continues to be attractive to young people and adults.

  • We are more and more convinced in the Delegation of the importance of fraternal life and teamwork, because it is the only way to be successful in the apostolate of our works and the best witness to continue to promote vocations.

  • In harmony with the spirit of Father Menard, and considering that we are not a large number of priests and less indispensable in the apostolate, we promote with great openness the work with the laity, to whom we give an important place in the MSA family and for this, we dedicate ourselves to forming them, accompanying them and making them participants in our spirituality, charism and mission.
