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Diaconal ordination of Brother Sebastien Merveil Kadiata Ilunga, msa.

Video of the ordination mass
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Testimony of Father Fernando Noriega about Father Menard
Thursday July 18th, 2024
Testimony of Father Fernando Noriega about Father Menard
Speaking of Father Ménard is always moving.
On May 27th of this year, Father Fernando Noriega gave his testimony of life with Father Eusèbe Henri Menard. He began his sharing by saying that “Speaking of Father Ménard is always moving.” This is because Father Ménard had been for him a spiritual guide since the beginning of his priestly vocation, a superior and at the same time a friend in life who knew how to respect each individual’s uniqueness, allowing him to authentically flourish in his vocation. In the following lines, you will find some points from his interview. At the same time, you will find two links on the left: YouTube and Facebook, to review the video.
The beginning of the journey.
In the recorded video, he recounts his vocational journey in connection with Father Ménard. How he helped him on various occasions to succeed in his path. Initially destined to become a Jesuit, he met Father Ménard in 1978 on his family’s recommendation. At first, not interested at all, but after reading Father Ménard’s book “À tout heure” (At All Hours), he decided to contact him. Their first meeting took place on a Sunday in December, near Christmas, and was deeply significant for the young Fernando Noriega.
Formation and Ordination
Then, throughout his formation, he emphasizes that Father Ménard never demanded that he be different from who he was, allowing him to express himself freely. Father Fernando Noriega recalls his struggles with studies, especially in theology, and hence his doubts about his ability to become a priest. Despite this, Father Eusèbe did not hesitate to send him, in 1984, Cardinal Landázuri Riquet’s proposal to invite him to be ordained as a priest during Pope John Paul II’s first visit to Peru.
In the video, Father Fernando highlights Father Ménard’s perseverance and confidence in him, despite his difficulties and moments of crisis, prayer,… Finally ordained as a priest on February 3, 1985, in Peru, by Pope John Paul II.
Spiritual Heritage of Father Menard
After his ordination, Father Fernando returns to Rome to specialize in moral theology. Unfortunately, Father Eusèbe Ménard passed away in 1987, without being able to meet him again. Undoubtedly, he emphasized an indelible spiritual heritage.
Comments and Final Reflections
Several questions were asked of him. It’s also important to highlight the fact that there were several positive reactions to his testimony. Father Fernando concludes by describing Father Ménard as a saint, a wonderful person, a friend, a brother, and a true spiritual director. He emphasizes the importance that Father Ménard gave to each individual, more than to any concept. His relationship with Mary and especially the importance that such a life experience could help future generations of missionaries of the Holy Apostles.
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