1.1.3. Apostolats
Places of apostolate and collaboration in three dioceses:
- Parishes (3): Saint-Cœur de Marie d'Omvan, ND-des-Sept-Douleurs d'Ahala-Barrière, Saint-François d'Assise d'Afanoyoa
(Archdiocese of Yaoundé)
- The Parish of St. Luke of Tala and the College of General and Technical Education of St. Benedict of Tala (Diocese of
- Minor Seminary of Saint Andrew of Bafia (Diocese of Bafia)
- Saint Joseph Mukasa Institute of Philosophy (IPSJM), Yaoundé
1.2. The objectives of the Delegation
1.2.1. Charism and mission
- To continue the preparation of our young people for the mission
- Taking charge of a new work in the Anglophone zone to promote the integration of the English language
- Expansion of the Probation House and construction of a postulancy to receive more candidates (finishing work)
- Continue learning the Spanish language in our house of formation
1.2.2. Apostolic life
- Vocational promotion, through the organization of vocational mornings and camps.
- Accompaniment and formation of the laity
1.2.3. Fraternal life
- Accompaniment and formation of the laity
1.2.3. Fraternal life
- Community life in both parishes and houses of formation
- Effective holding of community meetings
- Visit of the confreres to the different communities
- Assistance to sick confreres
1.2.4. Collaboration with the laity
Collaboration with the laity within the Delegation is now organized around an association called: "Family of Lay Associates of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles", created in February 2015.
2.1. The strong points of the Delegation
- Strong academic background at the initial level (philosophy and theology)
- Visibility of the MSA charism (involvement in the MSA and diocesan Vocational Matinees, collaboration in the Minor Seminary, MSA Student Day, production of a CD, Tricots etc.).
- Regular animation of the sessions on "Discernment-Accompaniment" to inter-novitiates and the session on "Mediations" for the preparation of perpetual vows of the young professed.
- Animation of the sessions and presidency of the "Locomotive", set up by the Conference of Major Superiors for the continuing formation of the young professed.
- Direction of the Institute of Philosophy Saint Joseph Mukasa
- Visible development of a sense of belonging
- Media coverage of the Society and the founder (Journal "LE LIEN", radio interventions, presentations, etc.).
- Specialized member training
- Sending members on mission
2.2. The Delegation's weak points
Insufficient number of members for the management of works and apostolates
- Lack of priests available for our formation houses
- Lack of trained trainers for adult education
- Tension between some formators and formed in the houses of formation
- Lack of income-generating and self-financing structures
- Cumulative responsibilities exposing the health of members
- Unforeseen expenses
2.3. The Delegation's financial situation
2.3.1. General Operations
The training of our students, members' allowances, automobile insurance, health and medical insurance of our confreres, employees' salaries, maintenance of furniture, are general operations that we carry out.
2.3.2. At the member level
All members receive a monthly allowance. The member in paid ministry gives it back to the community.
2.3.3. Fund
Our funds come in general from our provincial bursar's office and in part from the contributions of the confreres' ministries, from aid received from third parties, from self-financing initiatives in our Delegation.
2.3.4. Properties
- Two plots of land of one and nine hectares acquired for future projects
- Acquisition of a new house in Fëbe (house of providence)
- Extension of the Saint Kisito House (Probationary period)
- Postulancy and reception house, Nkolbisson
- Residence of the Holy Apostles, Nkolbisson
2.3.5. Overview of the financial situation facing the future
- Our financial situation is gradually improving
- Awareness of moderate management
- Establishment of a project committee for participatory management
- More elaborate projects in agriculture, carpentry, college, ginger powder
- Training the trainers for our students is the major problem.
- Continue with specialized training for the local higher institutes of higher education.
- Making our identity more visible and consolidating our unity in the Lord Jesus
- To make our new buildings viable or productive
- Clarify further the management of finances and other common assets
- To encourage the participation of all members in the life of the Delegation
- Self-financing remains urgent and conditions all other concerns
- The actuarial study presented to the last Provincial Assembly clearly identified this urgency for self-funding.
