"Many of the m.s.a. workers in the "Provincial Vineyard" have reached the biblical age, the age of the brave. Their attachment to the family has not grown old; they are witnesses who challenge us with their ever-present concern for the Work to be continued; if physically they have laid down their apron, they always carry it in their heart and trust in Providence.
The Msa Province of Canada joyfully accompanies the Delegation of Africa. There too, as in the past in the Society, we meet members who are attentive and generous in their concern to give priests to the Church and to accompany them. It is and will be indispensable to give priority to the preparation of these accompaniers.
It is our wish that we be concerned about our community life, the source of all vital development of the Work entrusted to us by the Church in the name of Christ the Lord.
This community life cannot be the project of a single person according to his or her individual objectives. The solidity of a building depends on the precious place of each stone and its adherence to its neighbor.
If this community life requires openness to each person, it would benefit from being strengthened by the discovery and greater knowledge of the Msa communities living in other Provinces, Delegations, Local Communities of various countries or continents.
Finally, it will be greatly favoured if the different levels of authority, of the service of communion, meet regularly at the same table.
This is what concerns me essentially and what the confreres have shared their wishes with me. The fact remains that through our differences, our challenges, we are attached to the Work, to its history, concerned about carrying out the legacy of our founders, Fr. Eusèbe and M. Durand. »
Yvon Jutras, M.S.A.
At the 2017 General Assembly in Colombia.
Province of Canada
1.2.4 La collaboration avec les laïcs
Pour la gestion des biens communautaires, spécialement la COSA, le secrétariat et l’économat.
L’Animation, la gestion, le bénévolat au Centre Marial Diocésain Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs et la promotion de pèlerinages (Partenaires de Marie).
L’implication dans les divers mouvements spirituels.
1.1 Summary Description of the Province
The Delegation of Africa depends on the Province of Canada.
1.1.1 Members
We are currently 29 members with definite promises, whose average age is 82.5 years. Only two confreres are under 65 years of age, about ten have an active full-time ministry, including those assigned to community services.
During the last few years, we have no members in formation (aspirants, postulants, probanist….)
1.1.2 Works
Diocesan Marian Centre Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs.
Delegation of Africa.
Charismatic Centre of the Jordan River.
Collaboration with Cromwell Seminary.
Management and animation of voluntary work in the Monasteries of France.
Periodically the Vocational Centre of Assisi.
1.1.3 Apostolates
Parish communities.
Movements and associations.
Collaboration with the laity.
Spiritual accompaniment.
1.2 Our Commitment (Art.11)
1.2.1 Charism and mission
The many pensioners are fervent in prayer.
Our charism is mainly exercised in preaching, accompaniment, animation of spiritual movements.
1.2.2 Apostolic life
Another is a full-time chaplain to the elderly.
Another is Father of a Foyer de Charité.
Preaching retreats.
Occasional help and parish administration.
Spiritual animation in the movements (Cursillo, Charismatic Renewal, Knights of Columbus, etc.).
1.2.3 Fraternal life
A certain number of confreres live in fraternity and those who live alone are grouped together.
To a local community.
Some confreres are in retirement homes.
Community gatherings (retreats, liturgical feasts, jubilees, etc.) bring together the majority of the confreres in a spirit of joyful reunion.
Attention is given to each confrere: individual meetings, telephone calls, birthday wishes, etc.
1.2.4 Collaboration with the laity
For the management of Community assets, especially the COSA, the Secretariat and the Commissary.
Animation, management, volunteer work at the Diocesan Marian Centre Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs and the promotion of pilgrimages (Partners of Mary).
Involvement in various spiritual movements.
2.1 What are the strengths?
The majority of the confreres participate in fraternal meetings.
Regular meetings of the Provincial Animator and his Provincial Council, as well as the various boards of directors.
Great attention to health care.
A generous spirit of service.
Special attention to people.
2.2 What are the weaknesses?
Aging of the limbs.
Lack of vocations
Lack of members to consolidate our works
Preparation of members to ensure succession
2.3 What is the financial situation?
2.3.1 General operations?
Competent lay people ensure good management with the confreres in charge of finances.
Budgets are prepared and approved with good follow-up.
The financial statement of the Province is communicated to the members at the Annual General Assembly.
2.3.2. At the level of the members
Each member is invited to share his or her departmental, work, old age security pension and annuity income.
The Province provides for housing, board, lodging, and other special maintenance costs (e.g. expensive health care).
Each member receives a monthly allowance to defray personal expenses (clothing, medication, vacation, transportation, etc.).
2.3.3 Funds
The Hector-Durand Fund assists in the health care of elderly and sick members.
2.3.4 Properties
The COSA (Corporation of the Work of the Holy Apostles) owns and administers the houses and property of the Province:
Pascal’s House, which welcomes confreres passing through.
Maison Eusèbe-Ménard, which provides the premises for the administration of the Province.
Diocesan Marian Centre Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs.
General House allocated to the General Council.
The future prospects arise from the reflections and implementation of the General Assembly's proposals.
Their application must be carried out in regular consultation with the general coordinator and his council.
However, these future perspectives belong above all to Providence. Has not Father Ménard transmitted the faith to us? "What I know of tomorrow is that Providence will rise before the sun. »
Full of hope, may we allow ourselves to be challenged by the Lord: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And I am with you always, to the end of the world" (Mt 28:19-20).




